Now that Universal Analytics (UA) is in the rearview mirror for everyone except 360 customers, many organizations are asking how they can maximize the value they’re deriving from Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Assuming you’ve already done the work of “porting” your UA implementation over to GA4, it’s worth taking time some time to focus more on the strategic elements of how GA4 supports what your organization is trying to accomplish in terms of marketing effectiveness, and less on the technical, tactical questions about data models, event parameters, and the like.
We like to say that GA4 creates the most value for an organization when it’s being used not as a standalone measurement tool, but when it’s being used as the “central nervous system” for everything an organization is trying to orchestrate across the Google Marketing Platform (GMP) and beyond. This means that GA4 should be linked to any other GMP products you’re using, such as Google Ads, or Display & Video 360. But getting your accounts linked, while an important prerequisite, doesn’t — in and of itself — create any value. Linking your accounts becomes beneficial when you’re using those linkages to define, manage, and activate customized audiences all across the GMP.
In this post we’ll explore why using GA4 as a hub for audience creation and management is critical to unlocking value from the platform, and we’ll lay out a few easy frameworks you might consider to jumpstart your own audience segmentation in GA4.
There are two overarching reasons you’ll want to use GA4 as that audience hub for GMP. First, there are a variety of benefits on the measurement side. Then, there’s a lot to gain on the activation side. Let’s tackle those in turn.
When reported and analyzed in aggregate, your GA4 data might help you understand the highest-level trends, but it’s unlikely to be particularly actionable. In order to make your reports, dashboards, analyses, etc. more actionable, context is key. And reporting on data through the lens of specific audience segments is a fantastic way to add that context to your data.
For example, reporting on a troubling trend in terms of shopping cart abandonment might “sound the alarm” that there’s an issue with the checkout UX on your site or app. Maybe there’s an obvious problem that needs to be resolved, but often times, that’s not the case. Several questions might spring to mind. Which kinds of customers are abandoning the cart more often? Is it web visitors, app users, or both? Is it frequent purchasers, anonymous users, or some other combination of groups?
Defining KPIs for specific audience segments and then reporting against those segments makes it easier for analysts to pinpoint the root cause of issues, and helps organizations optimize performance more quickly. In addition, reporting on defined KPIs for specific audience segments can help organizations drive consistency in terms of the use of data across platforms. For example, once you’ve defined an audience in GA4, you can consistently report on that audience’s performance on your website or mobile app, and you can consistently report on that audience’s performance via your Google media platforms, like Google Ads. Now you’ve got a method by which to account for more of the customer journey for any given segment: from first impression, all the way through to conversion and beyond.
So there are clear, major measurement benefits that come from defining an audience strategy and then implementing that via GA4. Those will serve an organization well over the long-term, but in terms of where you’re more likely to see an immediate impact, we should also discuss the activation use-cases that GA4 audiences create.
When we use the term “activation,” all we mean is: what are you doing to drive better performance from that audience segment? The answers to that question are as diverse as the people and organizations reading this blog post, but we’ll lay out of a few common examples below.
Strategies like the ones listed above assume that you have some kind of audience segmentation strategy implemented, and doing so via GA4 is a great way to do this, because it enables you to take advantage of these opportunities across any of Google’s advertising platforms. So, what are some common examples of audience segmentation that you might be able to action within your organization? Here are a handful that are worth considering.
Developing a robust audience segmentation framework is no small task — but happily, getting started with audiences in GA4 is quick and easy. Once you know what you’re trying to accomplish, building audiences can take just a matter of seconds and a few clicks of your mouse. And if you’ve linked GA4 to your other GMP products, those audiences will automatically appear and be ready to activate.
We recommend starting small with some areas that will help you see “quick wins.” For example, build out retargeting audiences for people who began to fill out an inquiry form, but didn’t submit it — or who added a product to the shopping cart, but didn’t check out. These kinds of audiences are relevant to many kinds of businesses, and are a great way to prove out the value of building and managing audiences via GA4 over the long run.
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