Digital Marketing

Facebook – now rated next to telecos and airlines in customer satisfaction

Back in May I posted about how Facebook's treatment of users amounted to spam. In response to Zuckerberg's opt-ed on Facebook's commitment…

14 years ago

How to search a specific user’s feed in Twitter

The half-life of a Tweet is extremely short (estimated by some to be as little as four minutes).  We usually…

14 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 20: The Power of FREE

We are irresistibly drawn to FREE offers. To an extent, this makes sense: if you get something FREE, there's no…

14 years ago

RIAA Versus SEM: How would you use $64 million dollars

It recently came to light that the RIAA has paid $64 million dollars to go after copyright violators from 2006…

14 years ago

Cognitive Dissonance in Email Marketing

Back in May Michael Straker wrote about cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is one of the most common psychological effects you're…

14 years ago

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