Digital Marketing

Persuasive Web Design, Part 16: Know Your Visitors' Biases

We're none of us perfect. As a species, we hold an incredible number of biases, many of which are entirely…

14 years ago

Pirate Metrics: Tracking Business Value

photo by strangeinterlude Every one looks at things like page views and time on site but how valuable are those…

14 years ago

Writing for the Web: Watch Your "We" Count

It's hard listening to someone boast. Not only does boasting lack credibility, it's downright boring. Yet so many websites are…

14 years ago

User Testing of Websites: Leave Your Agenda at Home

I recently reviewed some videos of user testing sessions. I was shocked to see the moderator repeatedly break one of…

14 years ago

Canadian Spam Legislation: Remembering the late Bill C-27

We frequently mention the CAN-SPAM act when talking about email marketing, largely because our client base tends to be American,…

14 years ago

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