Digital Marketing

Metrics, Your Key to Email Marketing Success

So you’ve finally decided to publish a newsletter or regularly send updates about the latest and greatest deals on your…

15 years ago

The Evolution of Google Website Optimizer: 3 Great New Features

It's nice to see our friends at GWO are listening. Just in the past week or two, they've made three…

15 years ago

Augmenting email with social media – No Exact Target Edition – Pt.1

So following on the heels… or perhaps in the footprints of last month's "Exact Target Social sharing: Augmenting email with…

15 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 1: The Principle of Reciprocation

Last week I promised to share a few of the general principles covered in HFI's new 3-day course on "How…

15 years ago

Persuasive Web Design: The PET Methodology

I just returned from San Diego, where I participated in a 3-day course on advanced persuasion techniques. Led by Dr…

15 years ago

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