Digital Marketing

Copywriting Tip: The Difference Between Colons and Semicolons

A certain unnamed colleague (you know who you are!) has a habit of using semicolons where he should in fact…

15 years ago

Little Known CAN-SPAM Compliance Issues: The McCain Amendment

The senator from Arizona may not be too savvy with email, but that doesn't stop him from closing loopholes in…

15 years ago

The CAN-SPAM Primer

 If you break the CAN-SPAM act you likely won't go to jail. In fact, there have only been a handful…

15 years ago

Copywriting Tip: Dashes, hyphens, and parenthesese, oh my!

Punctuation can be a real pain in the #—if you know what I mean. Sure, you're familiar with an apostrophe,…

15 years ago

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