Digital Marketing

ExactTarget Web Analytics Connector and Google Analytics

ET and GA together at last It is imperative to track your email marketing campaigns and how they perform in…

15 years ago

Monetizing Google Website Optimizer Test Results: One A/B Test Yields $3,600,000 Revenue Boost?

Monetizing your test results can be a truly eye-opening experience. We recently completed an A/B test for a lead-generation website.…

15 years ago

ExactTarget Auto-login for Greasemonkey

 A quick, but fun little tool for you people using Greasemonkey and ExactTarget.Irritated by ExactTarget's frequent log-outs—and a log-in form…

15 years ago

Size Matters: 12 ways to grow your email opt-in list

As an email marketer growing your list is one of the most important things you can spend time doing. Each…

15 years ago

Email marketing: Don't hide your Unsubscribe

A while back we had a post on email marketing and the importance of permission. As part of that we…

15 years ago

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