Digital Marketing

Confessions of a Google Website Optimizer Addict

"My name is Michael and I am a Google Website Optimizer... oholic?" Yes, I'll admit it: I find my self…

17 years ago

Scientific Advertising: Thanks to Google Website Optimizer, it's a reality at last!

My background is in advertising. Many years ago, I read the classic book by Claude Hopkins, Scientific Advertising. The crux…

17 years ago

Google AdWords Management | Building Better Ad Groups

Google AdWords consists of four basic elements: campaigns, Ad Groups, keywords and Ad Text. Briefly, campaign settings examine 7 critical…

17 years ago

Three Search and Conversion Marketing Tools You Can't Live Without

Are you using the best tools for your search marketing and conversion marketing programs, and are you using them to…

17 years ago

On the Spot: HackerSafe's Cresta Pillsbury

by David BoothFounding Partner at WebShare, LLCIf you're doing conversion marketing and statistical testing on your website and you haven't…

17 years ago

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