Google Marketing Platform

Authenticated First-Party Data and The Value Exchange

Last year, I wrote a blog post that discussed the value of first-party data versus authenticated audiences. If you did…

2 years ago

What Are Roll-up Properties and Sub-properties in GA4?

Google recently announced the release of two 360-only features for GA4. The first is roll-up properties, a feature you may…

2 years ago

Five Search Ads 360 Features to Streamline Your Search Engine Marketing Campaigns

Today’s search engine marketing (SEM) professionals must manage more formats and campaign components than ever before. Google’s search campaign offerings…

2 years ago

Google Analytics 4 User Access and Administration

Last updated: January 29, 2024With the advent of the new Google Analytics platform, making sure that you have user governance…

2 years ago

How Self-Service Analytics Leads to Digital Maturity

“Give a child a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish, and you feed…

2 years ago

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