Paid Search

Google AdWords | Stop Guessing with Ad Scheduling

  Ad scheduling is one of those areas where spending a little time can really pay dividends in your websites…

13 years ago

PPC Pre-Campaign Research with Google Analytics: Part 5 – Targeting

  Last week we discussed understanding your audience. This week we're going to take a look at how to target…

13 years ago

PPC Pre-Campaign Research with Google Analytics: Part 4 – Know Your Audience

  Last week we went over how the Bounce Rate and Landing Pages reports in order to show you how…

13 years ago

PPC Pre-Campaign Research with Google Analytics Part 3 – Content Performance

  In this edition of PPC Pre-Campaign Research with Google Analytics, we're looking at the Bounce Rate report and the…

13 years ago

50 Pay-Per-Click Tools

This week we figured that we'd take a break from PPC Pre-Campaign Research with Google Analytics to bring you something…

13 years ago

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