Paid Search

Custom Alerts From Google AdWords at a Glance or Via Email

It is a crime to have your AdWords campaigns on auto-pilot! :) Google AdWords Alert functionality allows you to proactively…

15 years ago

10 Ways to Cut Costs and Save Money Inside Your Adwords Account

Many advertisers are losing money or significantly hindering their performance when it comes to using Adwords, leading some companies to…

15 years ago

Google Analytics Traps #6:Subdomain tracking robs AdWords. Blame _setDomainName() or _initData()?

You're getting AdWords traffic. You're sure that some of those visitors are converting. But Google Analytics is not giving your…

15 years ago

Tips Tricks, Traps and Tools: #4.1 of many: Understanding Direct Visits in GA & Web Analytics : UDVs

Direct Traffic - Top of the List Direct visitors may be your most valuable. Keeping track of them makes sense.…

15 years ago

The Top 3 Pay-Per-Click Tips from SMX Advanced

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to Seattle and attend SMX Advanced. I sat in on…

15 years ago

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