Paid Search

Improve Your ROI with the new Google AdWords Interface

The new AdWords interface has been in the works for some time and is now available to advertisers (optional right…

15 years ago

Yahoo Panama Doesn't Get It

Yahoo Panama (the pay-per-click platform) has recently released some updates to their system. Some of the changes include day time…

15 years ago

Traffic Sources: Campaigns – to optimize campaigns (PPC, email, banner…)

So far a lot of the talk has been about how powerful Google Analytics is as a result of its…

15 years ago

The (Often Amusing) Pitfalls of Auto-Generated Content

I recently came across some great examples of how computer-generated content can deliver bizarre, confusing and even hilarious results. First…

15 years ago

Traffic Sources: AdWords/Ad Versions – to optimize ad creative

If you are purchasing AdWords and using Google Analytics, connecting the two of them together during the implementation or setup…

15 years ago

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