Search Engine Optimization

Site Maps: Are They Worthwhile?

In a recent project, a client asked me whether I'd recommend getting rid of his Site Map. We had just…

14 years ago

User Generated Content for Your SEO Efforts

Building out the content of your website should be at the heart of your SEO strategy. We all know that…

15 years ago

The Canonical Tag: Now with Cross Domain Support

I’ve talked about the Canonical Tag a couple of times before on the blog, and now Google is supporting it…

15 years ago

Title Tags: Where Web Usability and SEO Professionals Can Be Friends

As a web usability professional and copywriter, I must sometimes clash swords with Search Engine Optimization folk. For example, they'll…

15 years ago

Page Load Times for SEO

Your users don't want to wait As we come into the New Year, one of Google's goals is to try…

15 years ago

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