Social Media


Data, Data, Data: How Gilmore Girls made a comeback in 2016

As an avid Gilmore Girls fan since it first aired back in 2000, I’ve been waiting in extreme anticipation for…

8 years ago

Data Visualization: Enabling data-driven business discussions

By now most organizations buy in to the fact that data is one of their most valuable assets and that…

10 years ago

Google April Fools 2014

April Fools! As many know, Google loves to offer "prank" services every year on this day. Here are this year's…

10 years ago

LinkedIn 200 Million Users Email Blast – The Misleading Campaign

Okay.  I have to say if I were wearing my ego (bragging) hat, and if no one in our office…

11 years ago

8 Reasons Why Every Business Should Be On Google Plus

It's incredible how much the web has evolved. More specifically, it's incredible how many new products Google has introduced in…

12 years ago

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