Social Media

Facebook: New Profiles, Pages, and Privacy

Those who were paying attention at the beginning of this week noticed that Facebook has updated profile pages. The new…

14 years ago

The Joy of Revenge

In a recent post,* I warned that the persuasion tactic of Social Proof also applies in reverse. My warning applies…

14 years ago

Movember Analytics: Action, Insight, Controversies, Soap Operas & Campaign Success

Is there any better example of looking for actionable insight than the prostate exam? There was a program on one…

14 years ago

Geo-location Marketing: Branding or Bribery?

Everyone is in a race to become Mayor of their local Starbucks on Foursquare these days. The geo-location phenomenon has…

14 years ago

Setting Up Your Own Branded Short-Links

You may have noticed companies like foursquare have started their own short-links. Usually using a three character domain followed by…

14 years ago

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