Technology Services

Conversion Marketing Just Got Easier with Google Website Optimizer

We all know that if our websites are not converting at 100%, then we should be running a test. We…

17 years ago

Eye-tracking data: What does it mean??

I had an interesting discussion with a colleague today. We had both read a recent eye-tracking study published by a…

17 years ago

SEMPO Canada and Canadian Search Marketing

Our team of Canadian SEM’s and notable SEO firms is working hard to get on the map, and to…

17 years ago

User preference vs performance: Whats more important?

Studies show that web users don't always prefer things that work better. For example:Users tend to prefer icon-based interfaces, even…

17 years ago

America Online Antes up with New Advertising Platform

Yesterday, America Online announced that it will be enacting a number of changes that will “position the company as the…

17 years ago

The Importance of Keyword Research and the Long Tail

So what, exactly, is the “long tail” and why is it important to search marketing? The concept was coined by…

17 years ago

Focus on Google but Don’t Leave Traffic on the Table

Nielsen / Netratings company reported that Google continues to lead the way as the search engine of choice for many…

17 years ago

Search Ads on Google's Mobile Search Pages Set to Launch

Google announced that within the next few days, it will begin including ads on the Google Mobile Search pages as…

17 years ago

New way to embed Google Maps

Previous post about Google's My Maps explained new online tool to create personalized or customized maps. Google is still updating…

17 years ago

Overcoming Banner Blindness: Designing Effective Banner Ads

A recent (2006) study found that vistors tend to ignore banner ads. It's a phenomenon known as banner blindness. Funny…

17 years ago

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