Technology Services

WebShare Rolls out Managed Email Marketing Services

This week we’ve rolled out a new service in response to the overwhelming need we’ve seen recently for a solid…

17 years ago

On the Spot with WebShare: Three Questions with Google Website Optimizer Product Manager Tom Leung

by David BoothFounding Partner at WebShare, LLC (now Cardinal Path)In the world of Ecommerce, those of us who have been…

17 years ago

Google Weighs in on Geography, Cross Linking and Web 2.0 Elements

In a recent post from Google’s Webmaster Central Blog, Greg Grothaus and Shashi Thakur have shed some light on a…

17 years ago

Ecommerce Hint: Be Careful with Coupons

A recent study (Shor and Oliver, 2006) has revealed that offering coupons to customers may actually reduce sales and profit.…

17 years ago

Links From The Community

When it comes to SEO, links are obviously a major determinant of high rankings. Most link campaigns consist of either…

17 years ago

Book Review – Web Analytics: An Hour a Day by Avinash Kaushik

Avinash Kaushik is a business consultant at the leading edge of the web analytics frontier. He is the author the…

17 years ago

Search Engine Optimization Q&A Part 2 of 2

Last week I answered some questions that I received in part one of a two-part Q&A. This week I will…

17 years ago

Search Engine Optimization Q&A Part 1 of 2

Recently I received a list of questions that some people have been sending in regarding tools that we use here.…

17 years ago

'Supplemental Results' labels in Google

At the end of July Google announced that "Supplemental Results" labels will not longer appear. Basically, supplemental pages still exist…

17 years ago

Error Messages Matter, Make No Mistake About It- Episode II

As promised, and to assuage the eager anticipation that I am sure you have all been experiencing, here is Episode…

17 years ago

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