Technology Services

Google Web Optimizer – Things I've Learned

In October 2006 Google launched a new tool for AdWords advertisers called Web Optimizer. Web Optimizer allows site owners to…

17 years ago

Google Analytics – How do I block individual computers without blocking our entire office IP

Most companies will want to block their entire companies IP range so that the data in Google Analytics is not…

17 years ago

How do you do Social and Viral Media Marketing? – My Cole's notes from SMX 07

I just got back form Danny Sullivan's SMX Advanced and one of the presentations was of particular interest to me…

17 years ago

What can/should be tested with multi variable testing?

When using a multi variable testing application like Google's new Website Optimizer there are a number of different page segments…

17 years ago

ARIN: Only IPv6 From Now On

The group that controls the distribution of IP addresses has passed a resolution that makes it virtually impossible to get…

17 years ago

What we can Learn from Fifth Graders about Conversion Marketing

Take a look at the following two sets of text, and as you read them try to gauge which you…

17 years ago

Web analytics: for online businesses and the web vendors who work with them.

Most articles that you find these days that mention web analytics talk about how valuable and indispensable the information is…

17 years ago

Mobile Application Testing

Adobe has recently released their new Creative Suite CS3. As a part of this release they have included an application…

17 years ago

Getting rid of a computer? Wipe that hard drive!

Planning on getting rid of an old computer? Formatting a drive is not enough to clear the information off those…

17 years ago

The power of Google's web optimizer

Our first series of web optimizer tests (we have done over 20 test for our first client) have been a…

17 years ago

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