Technology Services

Keeping Your AdWords Ad Groups To 15 Keywords Or Less

While there are multiple ways to structure ad groups in order to drive traffic and conversions, Cardinal Path adheres to…

12 years ago

How High CTR & Conversion Rates Can Be Bad for Business

I'm just going to say it, sometimes striving for a high click-through and conversion rate can actually be bad for…

12 years ago

An Exclusive Peek at Our Culture

At Cardinal Path, two of our corporate beliefs are: “Sharing knowledge strengthens our own” “Individuals are impactful but the team…

12 years ago

Lies Google Analytics Told Me

This post explains a number of the most common “gotchas” that trip up even experienced users. Now that I have…

12 years ago

Yes, You Should Bid On Branded Terms

"Why do I want to pay for my brand name?" is a question I've heard numerous times during my career…

12 years ago

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