Technology Services

Finding Insights with Google Correlate

As a statistician, I’ve always felt there hasn’t been enough emphasis on statistical analysis in the world of web analysis…

13 years ago

Webinar: Scarcity, Reactance, Barbra Streisand, Juries, etc.

In my July 28 webinar we’ll be discussing Scarcity. The essential premise is that as things become less available, they…

13 years ago

Effective Keyword Categorization Reveals More About Your Visitors

When trying to make sense of a huge body of incoming search keywords found in log files collected by a…

13 years ago

Google + Social Analytics and more – The Monday July 11th Roundup

A late roundup today, as I’ve been traveling all day and have just gotten access to wifi again. Off to…

13 years ago

Keyword Analysis: How deep is deep enough?

Search analysis is a crucial method for understanding visitor intent and many of us have learned about the long tail…

13 years ago

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