Technology Services

LavaLife Flirts With Virtual Dating

Great minds think alike. (Or is it, "Fools seldom differ"?)Just as I was slamming online dating sites for not providing…

14 years ago

SEO Analytics – Regular Expressions, Filters and long tail SEO

Google has been encouraging people to search via normal English for a while now and with it has come more…

14 years ago

Taking Your Website Worldwide – Recorded Webinar

After a fun time trying to figure out how to convert GoToMeeting's strange WindowsMedia 9 WMV's into a usable format,…

14 years ago

Human irrationality, 3D HTML, and more – The Monday December 20th Roundup

Christmas is coming and the VKI blog is going on hiatus. We will still have a few posts here and…

14 years ago

Chrome "instant" and massive inflation of pageviews

Google has tossed a new feature into the latest dev builds of Google Chrome. I'm guessing part of Google's "search…

14 years ago

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