
Site Maps: Are They Worthwhile?

In a recent project, a client asked me whether I'd recommend getting rid of his Site Map. We had just…

14 years ago

Web Design and Concept Development: Get Free Advice at

When you come up with a web design or marketing concept, how do you know if it's any good? You're…

15 years ago

Online Copywriting Hint: Make Your Meaning Clear at a Glance

Web users tend to scan content (usually in an "F" pattern) rather than read it word-by-word. So we must present…

15 years ago

Title Tags: Where Web Usability and SEO Professionals Can Be Friends

As a web usability professional and copywriter, I must sometimes clash swords with Search Engine Optimization folk. For example, they'll…

15 years ago

Email Marketing: Can We Eliminate Coupon Codes?

I've always had mixed feelings about coupon codes. On the one hand, they're a fairly simple and convenient way to…

15 years ago

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