
Persuasive Web Design, Part 8: High Price Equals Good

A friend of mine, Mike, is an antique dealer (or a junk dealer, depending on whom you ask). Every time…

15 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 7: Match Existing Knowledge

Before you can even begin to persuade visitors, you first have to make them trust you. Without trust, visitors won't…

15 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 6: Scarcity

Scarcity is a great motivator. As things become less available, they become more desirable. There are at least three reasons…

15 years ago

Crash Course on Persuasive Web Design — Right Here at VKI Studios

On November 12th, I'll be leading a day-long seminar on Persuasive Web Design. The seminar is called "The Art and…

15 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 5: Beware of Offering Too Much Choice

It's great to have choice. But as with so many other things, too much choice can be a bad thing.…

15 years ago

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