
Building Personas for Conversion Rates and Usability

One of the most important steps to improving your conversion rates and usability is understanding what motivates your customers. If…

16 years ago

Writing user test reports: Should you include performance statistics?

Let's say you've just finished conducting traditional (moderated, one-on-one) user tests on a website. Naturally, you have noted whether or…

16 years ago

How to make your website's visitors feel stupid

I was at a friend's place for a pot-luck dinner last weekend. We were all hanging around in the kitchen…

17 years ago

Scientific Advertising: Thanks to Google Website Optimizer, it's a reality at last!

My background is in advertising. Many years ago, I read the classic book by Claude Hopkins, Scientific Advertising. The crux…

17 years ago

Web Analytics + User Testing: "What" plus "Why" equals Actionable Insight

Our newest offering, HippoTango, is all about service integration. The theory is that when each service works with and supports…

17 years ago

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