
What can/should be tested with multi variable testing?

When using a multi variable testing application like Google's new Website Optimizer there are a number of different page segments…

17 years ago

Web analytics: for online businesses and the web vendors who work with them.

Most articles that you find these days that mention web analytics talk about how valuable and indispensable the information is…

17 years ago

The power of Google's web optimizer

Our first series of web optimizer tests (we have done over 20 test for our first client) have been a…

17 years ago

Google's Website Optimizer – Multi Variate Testing for the Masses

Everyone who know what their conversion rate is wants to improve it. Improving user experience and website usability are great…

17 years ago

Analytics + Internet Marketing + Usability = Tremendous Online Success

There has been a lot of blog chatter about the death of search engine optimization (SEO) and I disagree with…

17 years ago

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