
Writing for the Web: Watch Your "We" Count

It's hard listening to someone boast. Not only does boasting lack credibility, it's downright boring. Yet so many websites are…

14 years ago

User Testing of Websites: Leave Your Agenda at Home

I recently reviewed some videos of user testing sessions. I was shocked to see the moderator repeatedly break one of…

14 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 15: Give Reasons for Requests

We're much more likely to comply with a request if we're told why we're being asked. And the good part…

14 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 14: Cognitive Dissonance

Ben Franklin once asked a favor of a political opponent: He asked to borrow a rare and valuable book.Franklin's opponent…

14 years ago

Persuasive Web Design, Part 13: Fostering Commitment Via Written Public Statements

Persuading customers to take action is one thing. Creating loyal fans — turning customers into committed advocates for our products…

14 years ago

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