User Experience

Usability Testing: How to Get Useful Results

I recently posted on the difference between Focus Groups and Usability Tests. Today, I’ll outline some tips to ensure your…

13 years ago

Nurturing the Click – 10 Tips On Building Effective Landing Pages

  Imagine you're a used car salesman.  I know, you're disgusted and feel like taking a shower now, but humor…

13 years ago

No Respect: Where’s the Love for Qualitative Data?

In the Web Marketing universe, qualitative data is often seen as the poor cousin of quantitative data. Information that can’t…

13 years ago

Confessions of a UX Specialist

Is there a "seven-year itch" for usability folk? If so, I'm not feeling it. But as I begin my seventh…

13 years ago

Usability Tests vs Focus Groups

It’s amazing how often people confuse Focus Groups with Usability Testing. Let’s set the record straight. What’s the difference? Focus…

13 years ago

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