Web Analytics

Regex & Google Analytics 2 – Multi-Channel Funnels

In the comments for my last regex post I was asked if I knew how to build a rule for…

13 years ago

The effect of tabs on the time on page metric

Here's an interesting question I received from an analyst: Question: Do you know how Google Analytics handles browser tabbing when…

13 years ago

Regex & Google Analytics: Working with Keywords

Due to the deluge of both work and extra posts, it’s been a while since my last regex post. I…

13 years ago

E-Nor is a Google Analytics Premium Authorized Reseller!

Today we announced our fifth strategic agreement with Google, enhancing E-Nor’s enterprise service offerings to include Google Analytics Premium. This…

13 years ago

Basic RegEx Google Analytics Filters

Last week I posted on RegEx basics, talking about the "language" of RegEx and giving a pretty complex filter. This…

13 years ago

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