Web Analytics

The Math Behind Web Analytics: The Basics

Editors note: Back in March, Stéphan Hamel started a series on his blog about the math behind web analytics. Then…

13 years ago

Extras: Technical Details – RUGA pt. 11

Are we here already? We’re done with the main aspects of the utm.gif and on to the tail end of…

13 years ago

Understanding Campaigns – RUGA Pt. 10

So last week I discussed referrers and mentioned that the utmr tag will be populated by the referrer unless there…

13 years ago

Really Understanding Referrals – RUGA Pt. 9

Pretty basic one today: referring traffic. We all know what referring traffic is. That’s easy, right? But how does Google…

13 years ago

Practical solution: extracting a list of Query Strings from URLs

When working on complex websites, we often end up with tons of URLs that are, in reality, the same page…

13 years ago

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