Web Analytics

Visits and Visitors – RUGA pt. 8

Last week we talked about direct visits, and explained that they were defined by the absence of a recorded external…

13 years ago

iPerceptions 4Q Suite: voice of customer evolved

When Avinash Kaushik suggested the three greatest survey questions ever in April 2007, iPerceptions proposed the free 4Q survey: What…

13 years ago

Direct Visitors – RUGA pt. 7

Now we’re done with the specifics of how utm.gif requests are classified, we get to move on to the fun…

13 years ago

Really Understanding eCommerce – RUGA Pt. 6

I found something interesting on the Google Code site today. In one part of it they had “How GIF Requests…

13 years ago

Interview with Justin Cutroni

Beyond Web Analytics has a wonderful interview with Justin Cutroni, talking about his history with web analytics, the new GA…

13 years ago

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