Web Analytics

7 Days of Urchin 7: Day 3 – Performance

In the last installment, I went over my experience in upgrading from Urchin 6 to Urchin 7. Some of you…

14 years ago

7 Days of Urchin 7: Day 2 – Installation

In the first post in this series, I went briefly into the new features and updates Urchin 7 has brought…

14 years ago

Regex and GA Pt. 2: Wrapping your head around Google Instant Filters

I was never planning for there to be a part 2 to the Regex and GA post, but following the…

14 years ago

Advanced Segments in Urchin – Google’s real gift to humanity

  A few months back a colleague of mine called Multiple Custom Variables "Google's Gift to Humanity."  I disagree.  He…

14 years ago

GA Basics: Regex and Google Analytics

After my last GA beginners post, WendyW asked about the regex portion of the GAIQ study guide. This prompted me…

14 years ago

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