Web Analytics

Mapping visitor intent data on to your click stream data

More and more marketing people are embracing the power of web analytics. They are discovering how analyzing the behavior of…

16 years ago

The XChange Web Analytics Conference

Earlier this week I attended the XChange web analytics conference held by Semphonic and Web Analytics Demystified in San Francisco.…

16 years ago

Optimize Form Length with Input Analysis

Many people, including myself, don’t enjoy filling out forms. Forms are usually long, unclear, and contain too many required fields,…

16 years ago

Urchin 6 updated to SP1

In case you run Urchin 6, please take the time to download the latest version, Urchin 6 SP1, which includes…

16 years ago

Update to Google Analytics Profile Switching Greasemonkey Script

This is a quick note that I have finished an update to the Greasemonkey (?) script, cleanerGAProfileSwitching v1.1.0, that I…

16 years ago

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