CSS3, Pagerank, and UX Analytics – The Monday March 21st Roundup

Well that was an eventful week. With the help of PublicInsite and Webshare we’re now offering a variety of new services and that means a redesign of the Monday Roundup. For those who are new to this, the Monday Roundup is exactly what it sounds like: a roundup of posts from the previous week. (or so) I conglomerate these together into four categories: creating content, attracting visitors, analyzing usage, and optimizing for action.

This week we have a host of posts ranging from using CSS3 pragmatically to pagerank to UX Analytics.


  • We start the week with a post from an old favorite of mine: Smashing Magazine. This one is on styling elements with glyphs, sprites and pseudo-elements. “Glyphs? Sprites? What kind of Celtic fantasy mumbo-jumbo is this?” you say. Glyphs are special characters which are included within unicode. They take very little bandwidth, scale evenly, which is great. However, changing fonts may change the image. More interesting is his use of javascript, content, and pseudo-elements to create CSS sprites. Very clever and compatible.
  • Following up on that, Six Revisions has a guide to embracing and using CSS3 pragmatically. This includes progressive enhancement, using site data to make decisions and more.


  • Bronto Blog has a post on CAN-SPAM vs. best practices. The gist is that, regardless of the law, ISP’s will start blocking your email if their users are saying that it is spam. You know, they’re right. CAN-SPAM sets a MINIMUM legal precedent, you still have to be responsible to your readers.
  • SEO by the Sea has a post comparing the original Page Rank patent to the latest. Of particular note is a passage in the new patent talking about annotating links with their page rank. Cool.



Kent Clark

Some have compared him to the Dalai Lama, others to Kublai Kahn. When he isn't teaching third world children how to purify water with nothing more than a plastic bottle and a garden hose, he is creating mad waves for surfers off the west coast with little more than a paddle. Some say there is a boat involved, others that he walks on water. Little is known about his background. he appeared from nowhere 15 years ago and claims heritage from a land with neither want not need. He makes little comment, stating only that it was a pretty cool place. Fire does not burn him, cold does not hurt him. Words could... but they don't. When he passes, pedals fall off branches. When he speaks, hair tugs at skin, pulling just slightly in his direction. He does not sleep but he does dream. He has muscled his way into the lives of the famous and whispered his way into their hearts. And in the wee hours he plays oboe softly, as if to sooth the night to sleep.

Published by
Kent Clark

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