I “liked” the Facebook Marketing Solutions fan page.  Awesome page that gives great training on marketing on Facebook (directly from them)! I am viewing Sheryl Sandberg’s live talk “Sandberg’s Quietly Audacious Pitch to Marketers: Put a Little Facebook in Everything You Do”.   Here are some notes.

  • 68% more likely to remember an ad with social context. 2x more likely to remember ads messages. 4x more likely to purchaseYour establishing connections to your customers, multiple times, and their friends, but its your job to keep them engaged
  • Strike balance – not too much bad content, good content
  • Talk “with” not “at” – just like your profile, put things up you think your friends will like.
  • It’s iterative – we can see what works. Put it out, see what works, then evolve
  • Drive convos with ads – connect ads back to Facebook page
  • Sponsored stories – make sure more people can see what your fans say about you
  • This is how you light your brand up
  • People tell friends about products, thats what sells products – WORD OF MOUTH
  • Dont go in set from the beginning – Monitor, Adapt, Leverage
  • Social needs to be the fundamental ingredient from the beginning- can’t just “sprinkle” social
  • Dont get rid of other ads – TV, print – create a cohesive campaign that connect.
  • Reach customers AND THEIR FRIENDS!
  • Link to social graphs – make everything the basis for on-going connection
  • Engage customer, write back to them so they keep coming back. This is how you get messages to go viral.
  • Inspire. Be creative. Put out experiences.  Get them to put their experiences, their childrens.  Great messages, videos, pics – these things get twice as much engagement.
  • The web has gone social, marketing can go social too.
  • Ex. Barista put out an ad with curse words.  Outcry on Facebook page.  They apologized, put up a new cut, and they got a great response for taking responsibility and listening to their audience.
  • First time you can have a comprehensive conversation with brands themselves.  Go iterate, get started.

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Paid media spend by Government websites increased a whopping 139% YoY in 2020.

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