Google Analytics

How to Prepare for the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) Exam

Google offers the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) as the officially recognized credential for professional competency in Google Analytics.

Cost: free
Questions: 70
Format: multiple selection
Duration: 90 minutes (continuous)
Passing score: 80%
Certificate duration: 18 months

To earn the passing score, You must answer 56 questions correctly. If you don’t pass, you can retake the test repeatedly after a seven-day waiting period, so you really don’t have anything to lose by attempting the test sooner rather than later.

Sign Up as a Partner

To take the GAIQ, you must first sign up as a Google Partner. (If you’re logged into Google with an email address associated with a Google Analytics Certified Partner agency, you don’t have to sign up individually as a Google Partner to take the GAIQ.)

Signing up as a Google Partner takes just a couple of extra clicks, and you’ll then be allowed to start the GAIQ.

It’s a quick step to sign up as a Google Partner before taking the GAIQ.


GAIQ start screen.


Preparation for the GAIQ

Prepare with Google Analytics Academy

The Google Analytics team has recently released two updated courses:

These two courses are recommended by Google for GAIQ prep, so you should carefully review both before taking the GAIQ.

If you complete these courses and pass the final test for these courses, you will receive certificates. Note that these certificates are not widely recognized as the equivalent of the GAIQ for industry certification.

Prepare with Google Analytics (and Tag Manager) Documentation

Your GAIQ test will likely include a few high-level questions on Google Tag Manager without getting into more technical details.

Prepare with E-Nor Training

E-Nor offers several options to help you prepare for the GAIQ. Click here to learn about how E-Nor Analytics University can help you study and master the concepts and tools needed to become certified.

Additional Preparation Resources

Comprehensive paid resource, formerly edited by E-Nor lead trainer and coach Eric Fettman but not affiliated with E-Nor.

Google Analytics IQ Center
More than 200 GAIQ prep questions, updated in 2016. Nice breakdown by topic category.

10 questions, signup required.

Although this dates back to 2012 (and some of the terminology is outdated, such as profile for view), most of the information in this comprehensive resource remains relevant for the current GAIQ. The audio option will be helpful for auditory learners.

Updated in 2016, this thorough guide is structured as brief topic discussions followed by many related questions.

Baseline Professional Competency
Your work and your development, of course, do not end with the GAIQ. The GAIQ certainly serves as a valuable credential for demonstrating baseline professional competency in Google Analytics, but you generate real value from the GAIQ only when you apply your skills to real-world KPIs and begin to drive measurable improvement.

Contact Us
If you have questions about the GAIQ or E-Nor’s training options, please contact us.

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