Now that you are an expert at setting your date ranges the next thing you will notice is the graph at the top of each report. This is an overview graph of the report you are viewing.
The date range of the data will match the range you have set (see Google Analytics – Setting Date Ranges) and is plotted with daily data points by default.
Daily Data Points
But you never have to accept the defaults with Google Analytics. You have the option to change this to either weekly or monthly data points using the “Graph By” buttons.
Weekly Data Points
Monthly Data Points
Once you have the date data points just how you like them there are several options for the graphed metric. The available metrics will vary depending on the report you are working with. Select the tab to the upper left of the graph and your options window will open.
Now you can set up a variety of metrics to be plotted out on the graph. Single metrics, such as those shown above; compare two metrics; or compare the segment against site averages.
Comparing Two Metrics
Comparing to Site Average