Categories: Technology Services

Mobile Apps, Keywords, Visits, and more – The Monday August 29th Roundup


EVERYONE is talking about Jobs. No, not the economy, Steve Jobs who is now, ironically, unemployed. Apparently spleen cancer and its after effects were too much for him. Psscht. When has a little cancer stopped any… oh, right

Yeah, not the best month. Let’s hope Jobs does a little better.

Despite the overwhelming conversation about Jobs/Layton (oh who am I kidding, no one outside Canada knows who Layton was), we have a plethora of posts on mobile apps, keywords, visits, and more.


  • Both of our create posts come from Mashable this week, since apparently everyone else is still asleep. First we have 8 best practices for creating a top ranked mobile application. Like most things, the first tip is that time is critical, with the first two weeks likely determining the future of your app.
  • Next up, a guide to cloud. It’s designed for the Mashable audience, aka. laypeople. Sadly it isn’t an actual technical guide to the processes behind cloud computing so much as an overview of the current cloud market.


  • Brontoblog thinks that SMS may be your new favorite way to gain subscribers. They recommend asking people to SMS a short code in order to sign up for your email list from physical media. I don’t know, it seems like a lot of work to enter a phone number, and then a short code, in order to sign people up, not to mention that it’s significantly more work than setting up an email signup page. Still, it’s an interesting idea.
  • Keywords are always something I’ve found interesting. Specifically, the process of choosing good keywords over bad ones. Michael Gray covers this with how to choose keywords for your blog. As always he does a pretty good analysis of the process of imagining your users and what they are searching for.  Do people really not search for “on a shoestring” though?


  • Remember when I reported that Google had changed the definition of a Visit? Well, Avinash has a far better analysis than I did, and it is in video! He covers the change, what the benefits are, and how it will affect various metrics. He does a very, very good explanation of how ending a session based on change of campaign information is a good thing.
  • Next up, the first post from our own Enduardo Cereto on Javascript Libraries that conflict with Google Analytics.


Kent Clark

Some have compared him to the Dalai Lama, others to Kublai Kahn. When he isn't teaching third world children how to purify water with nothing more than a plastic bottle and a garden hose, he is creating mad waves for surfers off the west coast with little more than a paddle. Some say there is a boat involved, others that he walks on water. Little is known about his background. he appeared from nowhere 15 years ago and claims heritage from a land with neither want not need. He makes little comment, stating only that it was a pretty cool place. Fire does not burn him, cold does not hurt him. Words could... but they don't. When he passes, pedals fall off branches. When he speaks, hair tugs at skin, pulling just slightly in his direction. He does not sleep but he does dream. He has muscled his way into the lives of the famous and whispered his way into their hearts. And in the wee hours he plays oboe softly, as if to sooth the night to sleep.

Published by
Kent Clark

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