The beginning of May brings us the celebration of International Workers’ Day, and hope for the revolution of the masses. Let us also remember May 4th, 1886, when workers in Chicago went on strike to demans the 8 hour work day

This week we have SEOmoz on social media, AJAX Google SERPS, GA API libraries, more British web spying, and the class demands of the proletariat.

 Internet Marketing and SEO

  • To begin this week of labor and revolution we have Rand of SEOmoz on social media marketing. Rand argues that social media is popular not so much for its returns but because it provides easy impressive metrics. An easy solution would be the abolishment of the bourgeois.
  • Our comrades at Get Elastic are also making noise about the status quo, this time on the notion that Organic Search Traffic is More Qualified Than Paid. The issue comes from a claim that organic search provides qualified traffic, which they argue is not always true (duh!). Thus they show how the elitism of the ruling class hinders the glory of the workers.
  • Finally the bourgeois seeks changes contrary to the rule of the people: Google is experimenting with AJAX SERPs again. Is this a ploy to increase the market share of GA while limiting the ability of the workers to use incorporated solutions?


  • AliasPoorYorik is creating a glorious revolution in ColdFusion. He uses Flex to convert aJSON String to an object. Revel in the solutions it provides.

 Web Analytics

 Web Usability

 Miscellaneous links of the week:

  • After last weeks announcement that a centralized internet scanning facility in Britain wasn’t getting the go ahead, the British governments real internet spying program has been uncovered by the Register. It is now a GCHQ project called Mastering the Internet (MTI), and, according to the story, it gives them a backdoor to see every bit of information passing through Britain.
  • The bougeoise have conspired on a new way to disenfranchise the workers of the world. They have opted to remove workers from their lawn care force and replace them with goats. These scabs will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

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