Google Analytics

Quick Reference – language codes for Google Analytics reports

Here’s a quick list of the language codes that Google Analytics uses in the Visitors > Languages report:

Here’s a handy reference for those language codes you find in Google Analytics reports:

ar-saArabic (Saudi Arabia)ar-iqArabic (Iraq)
ar-egArabic (Egypt)ar-lyArabic (Libya)
ar-dzArabic (Algeria)ar-maArabic (Morocco)
ar-tnArabic (Tunisia)ar-omArabic (Oman)
ar-yeArabic (Yemen)ar-syArabic (Syria)
ar-joArabic (Jordan)ar-lbArabic (Lebanon)
ar-kwArabic (Kuwait)ar-aeArabic (U.A.E.)
ar-bhArabic (Bahrain)ar-qaArabic (Qatar)
zh-twChinese (Taiwan)zh-cnChinese (PRC)
zh-hkChinese (Hong Kong SAR)zh-sgChinese (Singapore)
daDanishnlDutch (Standard)
nl-beDutch (Belgium)enEnglish
en-usEnglish (United States)en-gbEnglish (United Kingdom)
en-auEnglish (Australia)en-caEnglish (Canada)
en-nzEnglish (New Zealand)en-ieEnglish (Ireland)
en-zaEnglish (South Africa)en-jmEnglish (Jamaica)
enEnglish (Caribbean)en-bzEnglish (Belize)
en-ttEnglish (Trinidad)etEstonian
fiFinnishfrFrench (Standard)
fr-beFrench (Belgium)fr-caFrench (Canada)
fr-chFrench (Switzerland)fr-luFrench (Luxembourg)
gdGaelic (Scotland)gaIrish
deGerman (Standard)de-chGerman (Switzerland)
de-atGerman (Austria)de-luGerman (Luxembourg)
de-liGerman (Liechtenstein)elGreek
idIndonesianitItalian (Standard)
it-chItalian (Switzerland)jaJapanese
koKoreankoKorean (Johab)
mkMacedonian (FYROM)msMalaysian
mtMaltesenoNorwegian (Bokmal)
noNorwegian (Nynorsk)plPolish
pt-brPortuguese (Brazil)ptPortuguese (Portugal)
ro-moRomanian (Republic of Moldova)ruRussian
ru-moRussian (Republic of Moldova)szSami (Lappish)
srSerbian (Cyrillic)srSerbian (Latin)
sbSorbianesSpanish (Spain)
es-mxSpanish (Mexico)es-gtSpanish (Guatemala)
es-crSpanish (Costa Rica)es-paSpanish (Panama)
es-doSpanish (Dominican Republic)es-veSpanish (Venezuela)
es-coSpanish (Colombia)es-peSpanish (Peru)
es-arSpanish (Argentina)es-ecSpanish (Ecuador)
es-clSpanish (Chile)es-uySpanish (Uruguay)
es-pySpanish (Paraguay)es-boSpanish (Bolivia)
es-svSpanish (El Salvador)es-hnSpanish (Honduras)
es-niSpanish (Nicaragua)es-prSpanish (Puerto Rico)
sv-fiSwedish (Finland)thThai


While you might know most of the ones you routinely see in your reports, every once in a while it’s nice to have a quick reference handy for that one you don’t recognize or just aren’t sure of, so bookmark away!

David Booth

David is a founding partner and principal consultant at Cardinal Path, as well as an author, instructor, adjunct professor, and regular speaker. As a consultant, David has advised and worked with companies and organizations across five continents in web analytics and business intelligence, statistical analysis and testing, technology selection and deployment, and online & search marketing. David is the author of Google AdWords Essential Training (, 2011) and Google Website Optimizer Essential Training (, 2010) and served as a technical editor of Performance Marketing with Google Analytics (Wiley, 2010) and Google Analytics Essential Training (, 2011). He is currently working on yet another project to be published in the Spring of 2012, and he teaches a masters level course on web analytics and online marketing at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. As an instructor and speaker, David has keynoted numerous events and has led seminars and sessions focused on digital analytics and search & conversion marketing all around the world for audiences ranging from C-level executives to technical implementation teams. He has been involved in web application development as an engineer and consultant since the late 1990's, beginning his career with Intel Corporation. He was a founder and partner at WebShare, LLC through its merger, and spent two years with the United States Peace Corps developing and deploying websites and web applications to attract grants and international aid for Guatemalan NGOs and local development organizations. David earned his Master of Business Administration in International Management from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Published by
David Booth

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