Categories: site logistics

Scoping e-Commerce Projects

Client Background/General Information

1. e-Commerce Knowledge
Implemented an eCommerce solution previously?
–> If yes,
– The name of the solution?
– Was the solution implemented in house or with a web development company?
– Was the solution maintained (e.g. products uploaded) in house or through a web development company?
–> If no, level of familiarity with eCommerce?
– Very familiar
– Somewhat familiar
– Not familiar

2. Is the client replacing an existing eCommerce solution?
– Why?
– What features not working?

3. Client infrastructure
– Where products are produced, packaged & shipped?
– Describe existing non-eCommerce, sales and fulfillment cycles

4. Design Preferences
– Template Design (inexpensive, quick-turnaround, non-unique look & feel)
– Custom Design (expensive, 4+ weeks at least, unique look & feel)

5. Timeline
– Fastest way to deployment:
– Out-of-the-box solution (no custom development whatsoever)
– Template Design
– Client readiness (content, images, infrastructure, payment gateway, etc.)

Identify all aspects of eCommerce
A. Products
– How many products?
– How many categories?
– How many sub-categories?
– Do products come in various styles (e.g. difference colors, different sizes)
– Do you have all product description, images, pricing available?
– If yes, what format (e.g. hard copy, excel spreadsheet, etc.)
– If no, is all the information accessible form a third party?

B. Product updates
– How often do you update your product info (description, pricing, images, etc.)?
– How is product information gathered (manual, catalog, etc.)?

C. Shipping
– Do you have a preference for a shipping carrier, Fedex, UPS, USPS, Royal Mail or others?
– How do you intend on charging for shipping
– How do you intend on processing shipping, using a carriers integrated tool (e.g. UPS WorldShip)

D. Taxes
– Do you have any specific taxes requirements

E. Payment Processing/Online payment gateway
a. Do you have an existing online payment gateway?
i. If yes, please list
ii. If no, do you have a preference which gateway to use (, VeriSign, WorldPay, HSBC, etc.)

F. Languages
– The solution default language is XYZ. Do you require your eCommerce solution to support more than one language, if so, please list.

G. Customer types
– Retail?
– Wholesales?
– Others (e.g. members)?

H. Pricing
– What is your pricing model?
– Volume Pricing?
– Do you offer different pricing for each customer type?

I. Inventory
– Inventory Management System?
– Do you intend on integrating the eCommerce solution with your Inventory Management system?

J. Accounting
– Accounting System?
– Do you intend on integrating the eCommerce solution with your accounting system?

K. Ordering
– Do you require the capability of ordering from the system admin interface?

L. Order fulfillment
– Do you manage and ship products in-house or through a third party?
– If you use a third party, do you require an automated integration with the third party?

M. Reports
– In addition to customer and products reports, are there any additional reports required?

N. Feature set
– Favorite Products
– Related Products
– Feature Products
– New Products
– Wish list
– Gift Certificate
– Gift Wrapping
– Multi-currency
– Login/account information/previous orders
– Search
– Others?

O. Other features – Do you plan on having:
– Auction
– Gift Registry
– Download on Demand
– System Admin ordering interface
– Others?

P. How do you plan on marketing the business?
– Do you intend on implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on your site? (to allow for SEO friendly pages and other SEO considerations)
– Other Internet Marketing programs such as Pay-Per-Click, e-mail marketing, banners?
– How do you currently market the business offline? Have you considered Integrated Marketing Solutions to maximize your ROI?

Q. Post Project Considerations
– Web Hosting requirements: look for reliable eCommerce, secure hosting
– On-going eCommerce solution updates and website maintenance

CP Marketing

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CP Marketing

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