Web Analytics

Social Media Metrics Greasemonkey Plugin For Google Analytics

Update: Hey folks, this page has been getting a lot of traffic (thanks in no small part to SmashingMagazine) and so I thought I would just throw an update here saying that the old Social Media Metrics plugin is discontinued. But all is not lost! You can find all the same functionality in the Better Google Analytics Firefox Extension.
Last Update: Oct. 10th, 2008

This is technically an update to the “Add the Digg count of your page to your Content Details report in Google Analytics with Greasemonkey” post written in July.

We received a ton of great feedback from the social media and link bait community so I thought we should take this tool to the next level. Not only will it pull the social media metrics right into Google Analytics Content Detail reports automatically, but the icons are interactive. As an example: if you had zero diggs you could click the digg icon and it will automatically take you to the digg submission page.

New metrics pulled into GA include: (more to come soon)

  • Digg
  • Sphinn
  • Mixx
  • Reddit
  • StumbleUpon
  • Del.icio.us
    • Case-sensitive to the url.
  • Yahoo inLinks
    • Case-sensitive to the url.

I expect this script will save you a ton of time. Look forward to your feedback.

Here is a partial screen shot of the script in action:

Note: if you notice a bug, or have an idea on how we can improve this, then please let us know in the comments section below.


If the link circled in orange, in the screen shot above, is not correct, then the resulting social media metric data will be incorrect. For anyone that uses the same analytics account for multiple subdomains, for example, this plugin will not retrieve accurate metrics for the page.

Instructions on installing the script:

  • Step 0: (Only applies to those who were previously Adding Digg Count to GA) If you were using the older version of this script, it will need to be removed. To remove it, right-click on the towards the bottom right of your Firefox browser, and go to “Manage User Scripts…” Find “Add Digg Count to Google Analytics” and click “Uninstall”
  • Step 1: Make sure you have Greasemonkey installed on Firefox.
  • Step 2: Click on this install link. (instead, get Better GA)
  • Step 3: You’re all done, now log-in to your Google Analytics account and check it out.


  • Version 1.0 (July. 11th, 2008): Add Digg Count
  • Version 1.1 (Oct. 6th, 2008):
    • Added Sphinn Count
    • Added Delicious Bookmark Count
    • Added StumbleUpon Review Count
    • Added Yahoo Inlink Count
  • Version 1.2 (Oct. 10th, 2008):
    • Added Mixx Vote Count
    • Added Reddit Point Count
    • Changed Yahoo Inlink Count to collect from Yahoo.com instead of Yahoo.ca
    • Bug fix: The counts are recalculated when an the ajax dropdown menu is used to select a new page to review.
    • Bug fix: StumbleUpon Review Count was sometimes incorrectly 0, because there are two design layouts for StumbleUpon.
Cardinal Path

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Cardinal Path

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