With conferences about and S4S hitting close to home, this is going to be one of those weeks that leaves us frizzled and excited and looking somewhat like Einstein on a bad hair day. Fortunately there’s a lot to read with color tips, the effectiveness of mobile ads, GA time calculations and more.
- Going designy with PSD Tuts today, starting with color modes and bit depth, and how they affect your design.
- Next, using Adobe Kuler to enhance your color workflow.
- Michael Gray is at his best when he’s ranting, and this time he’s ranting about why he thinks Google + is an epic failure. His reasoning is pretty interesting, actually, as he thinks that G+ has been designed with the ideology of “let’s make something that collects data” instead of “let’s just do this really well”.
- Nielsen has some cool stats on Mobile Ad Effectiveness in the US, UK, Italy, and Germany. Over all, Italians seem more responsive to advertising.
- Google made a bunch of updates to Google Analytics late last week, and talk about some of the more interesting ones over at the Google Blog. Check them out.
- Justin hits on a talking point of mine: understanding Google Analytics Time Calculations.
- Paul Olyslager has a great list of 15 free ebooks on UX, running from 1987 to 2011.
- Johnny Holland writes about how user experience differs from consumer experience, responding to the rise of the “chief customer officer” role in current companies.
For more industry news, check out our past Monday Roundups.