For our islander friends, a reminder that Seminars for Success Victoria are coming up on the 30th.

For those who don’t know them, Seminars for Success are a series of five (in some cases more) seminars on Google Analytics (with Website Optimizer) and Google Adwords ranging from basics to advanced.

  • Google AdWords 101 – May 30th
  • Google AdWords 201 – May 31st
  • Google Analytics 101 – Jun 1st
  • Google Analytics 201 with Website Optimizer – Jun 2nd
  • Google Analytics 301 with Website Optimizer – Jun 3rd


Seminar Info:


Analytics 101 – Overview

Analytics 101 is a full-day course that will introduce you to the basics of web analytics such as tracking referral sources, improving web design and content, and identifying visitor preferences. You will be introduced to these fundamentals and then shown how to apply these Google Analytics skills on your own website. Attendees leave with a better understanding of how Google Analytics works and what tools and reports would best serve their business.

Analytics 201 – Analysis

Analytics 201 is designed to help you take your usage of Analytics to the next level! This seminar gives you a deeper understanding of the metrics behind web analytics, advanced tools in Google Analytics for looking at data in detail, and best practices to apply them to improve your advertising and marketing ROI, measure visitors’ engagement with your site, and create more advanced goals to look at conversion. We’ll also introduce conversion testing concepts with Google Website Optimizer, a free A/B and multivariate testing tool.

Analytics 301 – Implementation and Advanced Topics

From the basics of setup and configurations to advanced tracking features, you’ll be well on your way to measuring exactly what your website is doing for you! Analytics 301 will help you improve the detail and insight into the data found in your Analytics reports by covering topics such as how to set up and customize tracking code, best practices for filtering your analytics data, setting up goals and funnels, and tracking interactive elements. We’ll also cover advanced testing techniques with Website Optimizer and how to integrate your experiments with Google Analytics.

AdWords 101

AdWords 101 lays the groundwork for a successful campaign. If you are just getting started with AdWords, this is the seminar for you. Attendees leave with a better understanding of how the AdWords system works, how campaigns should be structured, and how keyword lists and ads are developed. We also introduce Google Analytics and conversion tracking, provide an overview of your advertising options, and explain the billing cycle.

AdWords 201

The AdWords 201 class expands on the basics introduced in AdWords 101. Now that you know how AdWords works, we move on to how to optimize your campaign for maximum performance. We spend more time on keyword list optimization and introduce additional tools, including AdWords Editor and third party tools. Attendees also learn how to self-diagnose the health of their campaigns, determine return on investment (ROI), and adjust bids.

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Paid media spend by Government websites increased a whopping 139% YoY in 2020.

2020 Online Behavior Live Dashboard

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Cardinal Path is continuing with its series of free training. Next we are conducting training on Google Data Studio. Check it out here.
Cardinal Path hosted a live session to connect with you and answer all your questions on Google Analytics.
Get all the expertise and none of the consultancy fees in this not-to-be-missed, rapid-fire virtual event.

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