Where is that report? Navigating the GA V5 Interface

The new interface been getting you down? Don’t know where to find the data you used to know and love? Over at Cardinal Path we’ve put together a handy table for you to reference whenever you need to know where your old report now resides. Sadly, the narrow format of this blog can make it hard to read, so I have included the below table in PDF.

Map Overlay
New vs Returning
Visitor Trending
Visitor Loyalty
Browser Capabilities
Network Properties
User Defined
Custom Variables
Direct Traffic, Referring Sites, Campaigns and All Traffic Sources
Search Engines
Top Content, Content by Title
Content Drill Down, Top Landing Pages, Top Exit Pages
In-Page Analytics
Site Search
Total Conversions, Conversion Rate, Goal Value
Goal Verification
Reverse Goal Path
Goal Abandonment Funnel
Funnel Visualization
Custom Reports
Advanced Segments

Old Report Title Where/What It Is Now Notes
Dashboard Dashboard tab The dashboard is in its own tab now, signifying that you now have access to multiple dashboards.
Intelligence My Site > Intelligence Intelligence has been moved next to reports under the “my site” tab.
Map overlay ..Visitors > Demographics >Location Map overlay has had its name changed to Location, and has been moved into the “demographics” sub-menu.
New vs Returning ..Visitors > New vs Returning Naturally, New vs Returning has been grouped under behavior. Sensible, no?
Languages ..Visitors > Demographics > Languages Languages have been grouped under demographics, obviously.
Visitor Trending none All of these metrics are now available in other reports, but have no particular reports of their own. These include:
  • Pageviews
  • Average Pageviews
  • Time on Site
  • Bounce Rate

Oddly, Absolute Unique Visitors doesnt appear to be available.

Visitor Loyalty Behavior Visitor loyalty is now spread between several reports under the nomicer of “behavior”. These include “New & Returning”, “Frequency & Recency”, and “Engagement”. Each of these then have multiple “viewing options” which can expose page depths and what not.
Browser Capabilities Technology > Browser & OS These reports have been largely grouped together into a single Browsers & OS report which contains screen resolution, colors, flash, and java support.
Network Properties Technology > Network Network properties are now found in the aforementioned browser capabilities report, under “network”
Mobile Technology > Mobile Mobile properties are now found in the aforementioned browser capabilities report, under “Mobile”
User Defined Demographics > User Defined Not a lot has changed here, though I question the logic of including User Defined under demographics.
Custom Variables Demographics > Custom variables Again, not a lot has changed here, though I question the logic of including this under demographics.
Traffic Sources
Direct Traffic, Referring Sites, Campaigns and All Traffic Sources Incoming Sources > [each report] These three reports are now grouped under “incoming sources”, along with Search.
Search Engines Incoming Sources > Search This is now a group split between an overview report, organic (in reference to traffic from search results, basically this is the keyword report), and paid (adwords, etc.).
Adwords Adwords Adwords has been moved into its own section, and now has a lot more reports. Along with Adwords Campaigns, Keyword Positions, and TV Campaigns (now TV Ads), you have an adwrod specific keywords report, day parts, destination UTL’s and placements.
Keywords Incoming Sources > Search > Organic and Adwords > Keywords Keywords from unpaid search traffic have been moved under the moniker of “organic”. Adwords keywords are now under Adwords > Keywords. Makes sense, no?
Top Content, Content by Title Site content > Pages A change in name to designate that you can now sort by top content, page title and other metrics.
Content Drill Down, Top Landing Pages, Top Exit Pages Site Content > [report title] Not much has changed here.
In-Page Analytics None As far as I can tell, this is gone.
Site Search Site Search This is now split into overview, usage, terms and pages reports.
Total Conversions, Conversion Rate, Goal Value None These reports appear to be gone. However, you can get all of this information from the overview page.
Goal Verification Goal URLs (?) Not 100% about this to be honest. The same functions appear to be there, but the interface has changed a bit.
Reverse Goal Path Reverse Goal Path Pretty much exactly as before
Goal Abandonment Funnel None This appears to be gone. You can find some of this information in the Funnel Visualization report.
Funnel Visualization Funnel Visualization This has barely changed.
My Customizations
Custom Reports Custom Reports Tab Custom Reports have been completely redesigned to be even more powerful. They now have their own tab next to Dashboards and My Site
Advanced Segments Advanced Segments These are now available from nearly any report in the expandable “Advanced Segments” tab.
Intelligence My Site > Intelligence This now has its own sub-tab next to reports under “my site”
Kent Clark

Some have compared him to the Dalai Lama, others to Kublai Kahn. When he isn't teaching third world children how to purify water with nothing more than a plastic bottle and a garden hose, he is creating mad waves for surfers off the west coast with little more than a paddle. Some say there is a boat involved, others that he walks on water. Little is known about his background. he appeared from nowhere 15 years ago and claims heritage from a land with neither want not need. He makes little comment, stating only that it was a pretty cool place. Fire does not burn him, cold does not hurt him. Words could... but they don't. When he passes, pedals fall off branches. When he speaks, hair tugs at skin, pulling just slightly in his direction. He does not sleep but he does dream. He has muscled his way into the lives of the famous and whispered his way into their hearts. And in the wee hours he plays oboe softly, as if to sooth the night to sleep.

Published by
Kent Clark

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